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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Deep Quong Healthy Living Tips - Highlights December 2014 Posts

Deep Quong Healthy Living
*(Trademark Registration Pending) 

"Unlocking Doors of Thought*"

December 20, 2014

LIFE'S SECRET TIPS #2 -  Top Health Begins With Our Brains; Critical Goal: Optimize Cognitive Outputs Efficacy

Eight Surprising Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Your Brain

By MacLean Fitzgerald |  Neuroscience |  26 June 2013


Your brain is only 2% of your body’s mass, but uses 20% of the oxygen you breathe. 
Although the brain accounts for only 2% of the whole body’s mass, it uses 20% of all the oxygen we breathe. A continuous supply of oxygen is necessary for survival. A loss of oxygen for 10 minutes can result in significant neural damage.
2. When it’s dark, your peripheral vision works better than front-on (“foveal”) vision. 
At night, our peripheral vision is better than our foveal (straight on) vision. Hikers at night do better when they look slightly above the trail, and airplane pilots are taught to look for traffic out of the sides of their eyes. This is because our rod cells, photoreceptors that respond best to dim light, are located mostly in the periphery of the retina.
3. Babies lose half of their neurons at birth. 
It is estimated that a baby loses about half their neurons before they are born. This process is sometimes referred to as pruning and may eliminate neurons that do not receive sufficient input from other neurons.
4. You have more than a trillion glial cells in your brain, which account for over 90% of the cells in the brain. glial_cell
More numerous—but less glamorous—than neurons are the brain’s glial cells, also called glia. About 90% of the cells in the brain are glial cells. (There are probably more than one trillion of them in the average human brain!) Glial cells might be thought of as servants to the neurons—they make myelin to protect neurons and speed transmission, dispose of dead neurons, provide nutrition for neurons, repair injured neurons, and support neurons in many other ways. About the only thing they don’t do is ferry impulses around.

A Cautionary Word  
There's always another side to any story, so here is what some skeptics say about Dr Amen's methods and approach. So please ensure you consult with your own medical professionals and apply other devices for diagnostics, research, treatment and prognosis. Nonetheless, this does not in any way discount the essence of the message here top health requires optimal brain health to provide the platform for life-long cognitive efficacy" 

"Like love and marriage - you can't have one without the other... "

What Skeptics Say - Click Below and Read

Dr. Daniel Amen's Response to
Criticism on Quackwatch

Harriet Hall, M.D.

So in closing may we add just one little philosophical perspective to your sparking glial cells mix - "how many colours can describe happiness - otherwise, known as prolonged optimal low-standard-deviation cognitive outputs efficacy." 

Now work that clinical mouthful into your sweet romantic whisperings on your next date with R2 D2.

December 15, 2014

LIFE'S SECRET TIPS #1 - Life Strategic Plan Equals Business Strategic Plan

Stephen Covey, Stephen R Covey, Highly Effective People, Effective People, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 7 habits of highly effective people, covey 7 habits, stephen covey 7 habits

Three Proven Strategies for Running a Great Business That Will Also Work in Our Personal Lives

Even some of the most savvy business people I know often check their management smarts at the door when it comes to their personal lives. But while it may sound hopelessly practical and boring (hey, I'm an engineer after all), there's quite a bit that good business management can teach us about optimizing our lives, too.
Following are three ways to apply the same strategies that have made companies like General Electric, Toyota and Siemens great to improve your life outside of work.

1. Continuous Improvement

The great Taiichi Ohno, a Japanese professor and businessman, and the father of "The Toyota Way" and Lean Manufacturing, once said, "The greatest problem is having no problems at all."
At its root, Continuous Improvement is all about accepting that you will fail and striving for success, anyway. It uses failure as a learning experience to move on from, rather than letting it derail you. It's not an unfamiliar idea outside of Japan. Plenty of Western business cliches can be traced back to it: "The perfect is the enemy of the good," for example. Or, "it's a marathon, not a sprint."

December 14, 2014

EAT RAW CASHEWS - Dr. Ben Kim, Experience Your Health

Raw,Organic Cashews:

One of Nature's Most Nutrient-Dense Nuts

If you want to stay as healthy as possible as you age, it's critical that you limit your consumption of pasteurized dairy products, which I believe can be a significant cause of heart disease, poor digestive tract health, a hypersensitive and weakened immune system, chronic skin challenges, chronic ear infections, and chronic sinus problems, just to name a few conditions that are strongly linked to regular consumption of pasteurized dairy.

When I design dairy-free dietary programs for clients, I often recommend eating about a handful of raw, organic cashews per day, as cashews are extremely dense in health-promoting nutrients, and their natural creaminess and sweetness make them an excellent substitute for many dairy-based foods and snacks. For example, the experience of eating apple slices dipped in freshly made cashew butter - easily made by blending up a handful of cashews in a blender or food processor - usually convinces even the most fervent lovers of dairy that life without cow's milk can still be grand.

Beyond nourishing your body with freshly made cashew butter, you can make a variety of creamy dips, sauces, and even dairy-free cheese with cashews. You can also enjoy raw, organic cashews mixed in with smoothies, cereals, and trail mixes. And of course, they're fantastic just on their own, fresh out of the bag.

When eaten on a regular basis, raw, organic cashews may have the following physiological effects:
  1. Keep your heart and blood vessels healthy by providing your cardiovascular system with a steady stream of healthy, monounsaturated fatty acids.
  2. Build and maintain strong bones and teeth by supplying your body with a rich supply of magnesium, which is just as important to the physical structure of your bones and teeth as calcium.
  3. Promote healthy blood pressure - magnesium-rich cashews can help keep your blood vessels relaxed, combating the negative effects of poor dietary choices and stress than can cause high blood pressure.
  4. Keep your nerves relaxed - this is also accomplished by magnesium, which promotes a healthy, relaxed tone in your nerves and muscles by acting as a natural calcium channel blocker.
  5. Decrease muscle cramps and soreness - also due to the high magnesium content of high quality cashews.
  6. Promote deep, restful sleep through the relaxation effect that magnesium has on your nervous system and muscles.
  7. Keep your joints, bones, and blood vessels flexible by supplying your body with significant amounts of copper.
  8. Prevent premature aging and disease by supporting the antioxidant activity of a powerful enzyme called superoxide dismutase.
    1. Read More
tch Video

December 12, 2014

EAT ALMONDS - Womens Health

6 New Reasons to Eat Almonds

And okay, #7: They taste amazing.

Nutritionists are having a love affair with almonds. Next week at the American Society of Nutrition annual meeting, researchers are set to present six new studies on the health benefits of noshing on almonds. 
Patience isn't our strongest virtue, so we got a peek at the findings—and we're sharing them with you. Check out these six new science-backed bennies of our favorite snack:
Less Belly Fat
Belly fat does more than look bad. It hangs around your organs and ups your risk of chronic disease. Luckily, a new Penn State study of 52 adults with elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol, people who ate 1.5 ounces a day of almonds for six weeks reduced their belly fat and waist circumference more than those had a high-carbohydrate, calorie-matched snack.
Lower Cholesterol
Lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, that is. People who eat almonds are 44 percent less likely to have elevated LDL compared to those who don't get their almonds on, according to a new Louisiana State University study of 24,808 adults.
Fewer Cravings 
Snack on this: Eating 1.5 ounces of dry-roasted, lightly salted almonds daily helped curb participants' appetites and regulate their blood sugar, per a new Purdue University study of 137 adults.
Less Inflammation
In a new Chinese study, type 2 diabetics who ate 1.5 ounces of almonds each day for three months dramatically improved their bodies' levels of oxidative stress and inflammation.
Healthier Baby Bumps
More than half of women gain too much weight during pregnancy, increasing their odds of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and preeclampsia. But almonds might help. A new study of overweight and obese women by California researchers shows that eating 2 ounces of almonds improves satiety, reduces appetite, and may promote healthy weight gain during pregnancy.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

@johntoryTO #Toronto Animal Services COVER UP PART 1 - EXCLUSIVE

"He Gets IT!"
Where Are We Heading? "Social Media" - Democracy's New Tool - "With the People"

Good Afternoon Learned Friends, Followers,Supporters and Colleagues:

Many folks, journalists and pundits around the world have been asking us lately where are we going with this case or story?  Well, "it is a road less travelled"  - we are known to often remark; then we provide these insights from one of our future commentaries, scheduled  to be released for global publication in the near future .

And that you see... is making all the difference'


Toronto Animal Services Saga

"We the People - With the People"

Social Media, firstly, offers many new ways to put the democratic process back into the hands of the people, everyday. It can be used to ensure that democracy is just not a one day election event. One where  "We the People" bestows the privilege to, elected and their hired officials, the responsibilities for our government's daily actions and decisions. With these new tools, we now no longer need to rely solely  on either "Election Day" or mainstream media platforms,  who control and filter our voices, with the vested and special interests of their own agenda.

Long ago, democracy's forebears spoke of the critical prepositions known to forge the cornerstones of its beliefs -  and that  all democratic governments  "should act by, for and of the people." One preposition went missing; however, from these cornerstones  -"WITH." And as a result of  its absence, the needs of the vast majority have been diluted and the accountability to the people nearly lost, over the ensuing time.  

Yet today, with the new powers that rest in the tools of Social Media devices "We the People" have the hopeful, willful  powers to restore accountability and openness to all governments, everywhere - and at all its levels, and various forms . For now, more than ever before, these officials elected or otherwise, will discover: "There is nowhere to run. There is no where to hide. Anymore!"

Most significantly, also from hereon in, there is a new preposition that will forge and work side-by-side with its elder statesmen and highly-regarded kinfolks  - "Of, By and For" - and in so doing, promises to profoundly reshape the maturity, accountability  and daily efficacy of all democracies everywhere -  "WITH" .

Follow these featured Toronto Animal Services Case articles as we  operate to show and exemplify  how today's Social Media tools of "With the People" democracy can bring daily and ongoing accountability to democratic governments, here and abroad. For in the end analysis, it is "We the People" who determines and decides the constitutional fabric of governments, its laws, processes and  justice systems, and then bargain  to unconditionally defend, abide by and work within its on-going administrations. But who also, under these sacred fabrics - designs, bargains and demands  a categorical social contract that requires complete and absolute  government transparency and accountability to and with the people  - all of the time!

For "We the People," without qualifications of any sort, set the ground rules requiring those elected or hired officials, - "who have only a momentary   "honour and privilege"   granted and bestowed upon  them,  by the people, to govern and act on their  behalf"  -  to sensibly and openly represent, discharge and implement  our inalienable collective rights and interests. Moreover, they can only to do so, under a framework that deeply embodies our  time-tested, self-evident  democratic truths and defining prepositions...

"Of,  By,  For and With the People"

So, to our thousands of friends, supporters, followers  and journalists world wide, we say -  stay tuned and read more, as  we expose and act to bring openness, accountability and transparency to those government practices that are tainted by any form or hint of  fraudulence, incompetence or corruption. Or what is often simply coined, by many, as  - "Just Keeping Them Honest!"  

For as applied Social Media unfolds, more than ever before,  these officials elected or otherwise, will simply discover: 

The Save Our Kids  Toxoplasmosis Coalition

Elect Progressives - Why? - Watch Bernie

"Run Bernie Run"

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

#Official Toxoplasmosis Canadian Government Data Sheet Falls Short - Why?

Toxoplasma gondii - Pathogen Safety Data Sheet


NAME: Toxoplasma gondii
SYNONYM OR CROSS REFERENCE: Toxoplasmosis, congenital toxoplasmosis, toxoplasma infection Footnote1Footnote2.
CHARACTERISTICS: Toxoplasma gondii belong to the phylum Apicomplexa and family Sarcocystidae. They are obligate intracellular parasitic protozoa Footnote3Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite of birds and mammals. Felines are the only definitive host and the only animals that pass infective oocysts in their feces. Warm-blooded animals, including humans, are intermediate hosts that harbour tissue cysts in their bodies. Three major infectious stages and major morphological forms occur: oocyst-containing two sporocysts and four sporozoites each, quickly-multiplying tachyzoites, and slow-growing bradyzoites contained in persistent tissue cysts Footnote3. Infection is most often initiated through the ingestion of oocysts containing sporozoites or cysts containing bradyzoites in contaminated food or water. Following ingestion, the sporozoites or bradyzoites invade the intestinal epithelium and differentiate to tachyzoites, which disseminate and replicate within the new host. In feline infections, T.gondii sexual reproduction is enteroepithelial and asexual reproduction is extraintestinal. Intermediate hosts only experience extraintestinal infection Footnote4. Generally, oocysts are spherical and measure 10x12 µm, sporozoites measure 2x6 µm, tachyzoites are crescent-shaped and 2x6 µm, tissue cysts are spheroid and have a diameter of 5 µm - 70 µm, bradyzoites measure 7x1.5 µm Footnote4Footnote5.


PATHOGENICITY/TOXICITY: Toxoplasma gondii infection is usually non-pathogenic in immunocompetent adults. The major pathogenic factor is proliferation of tachyzoites, destroying host cells faster than they can regenerate. In acute infection, mild symptoms can arise, including fever, rash, headache, lymphadenopathy, organomegaly (liver and/or spleen), weight loss, weakness, pneumonia, and myalgia Footnote6. More severe symptoms are rare and mostly affect immunocompromised patients, although they can also develop in immunocompetent individuals. These include retinochoroiditis, and severe encephalitis Footnote6. Congenital infection can result in abortion or stillbirth, and live births may demonstrate the congenital toxoplasmosis syndrome - mental retardation, malformation, retinochoroiditis, strabismus, nystagmus, microphthalmia, and cataracts Footnote6Footnote7. Severity of transplacental infection is inversely proportional to gestational age, but the rate of vertical transmission is more frequent as the pregnancy progresses Footnote7. Persisting tissue cysts in a victim’s brain may cause psychosis Footnote8. Ocular toxoplasmosis is responsible for 30% – 60% of retinochoroiditis cases Footnote6.

Awful Human Tragedy 

Read More and/or Listen To Talk Show Below -

Important Editor's Note

Canadians should be terribly concerned as their government research (above) in this area falls way short of the scientific studies, reports, policies and conclusions by international authorities. Consider the Official US - Centre Disease Control - concludes that  toxoplasmosis is the second leading cause of foodborne deaths, and we can only isolate and report ONE???

That makes no sense whatsoever as the comparative gap between US and Canadian findings is just too large. Someone must be wrong, and given the other international research, the weight of evidence clearly favours the American conclusions. Begging the next question: Why are we so far behind in this area?

Australian Federal Government Meanwhile Spending $1 Billion To Eradicate Feral Cats 

As feral cats are the primary source of the parasite - toxoplasma gondii that creates the the "toxoplasmosis disease" in warm blooded animals, Australia has put this issue on the front burner with near drastic measures to clean up this health and economic problem in their country. Again this suggests that the Canadian research and reports leave much to be desired in light of growing international awareness and stiff actions.

Moreover, the hype and crazy concerns are now being raised in more "unreliable secondary media sources" , that are unfettered and uncensored zanny Americans (Listen to the Radio Cast below) by vested or special interests. Normally we would take such overly dramatic discussions in earnest, but unfortunately there is a growing body of scientific evidence that suggests that even in its latent form this parasite is actually eating away at our neurological connectors and structure. 

Whatever it is up to - it simply can't be good for the hosts, and in fact could be the doomsday bug many have predicted in the past. A very scary nightmare coming true... 

What Some Pundits Now Call 
"The Zombie Virus" 

Listen Here To find Out Why


Funny? Crazy? True?Zany?

Wednesday, 17 December 2014


Tweet the Word #ToxoToronto

Virus In Imported Meat Might Alter Nation’s Behavior, Warns PM

Says Toxoplasma Infection 'Might Be Changing The Behavior Of Whole Nations'

Published August 15, 2014
According to Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, a virus that may change people’s behavioral patterns is common among most of the world’s populations, except Iceland, Norway, and, ‘remarkably’, the UK. Sigmundur Davíð admits that this does indeed sound like science fiction, adding ‘but …’, seemingly to imply that reality may prove stranger than fiction. He indicated that this should be kept in mind when shaping agricultural policy, emphasizing as ‘extremely important’ that ‘we remain free of all sorts of infections which are, unfortunately, all to common in very many places’.
Might Be Changing The Behavior Of Whole Nations’

‘Because this is such an interesting topic, maybe I will get one more minute to cover it, because it is extremely important that we, precisely, protect the wholesomeness of Icelandic products, that we don’t use additives, steroids and hormones and such in the production of Icelandic meat,’ Sigmundur Davíð pleaded in a live interview on radio-station Bylgjan on Thursday. Questions in the interview covered NATO, interest-rate policies and finally, the topic at hand: agriculture and meat-imports. Sigmundur Davíð spoke the economic incentives to keep tolling foreign agricultural products. He spoke of the opportunities ahead, when food prices are predicted to rise. Finally he pleaded, as quoted above, for an extra minute on air, to say a few words of a different nature.


"Gosh darn it General, the President said to order lunch... not @#$%^&* LAUNCH!"

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

DENKEN Jeder wird NUTS? - "Zu lesen, um herauszufinden, warum"

SO wirklich bemerkt jeder geht NUTS?

 Erraten Sie, was?

Virus in importierten Fleisch Könnte Nation Verhalten zu ändern, warnt PM

Sagt Toxoplasma-Infektion "Könnte Ändern des Verhalten ganzer Nationen '

Veröffentlicht 15. August 2014

Laut Premierminister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson ist ein Virus, das Verhaltensmuster der Menschen verändern kann häufig bei den meisten der Weltbevölkerung, mit Ausnahme von Island, Norwegen, und: "bemerkenswert", Großbritannien. Sigmundur Davíð räumt ein, dass dies in der Tat klingt wie Science Fiction, Zugabe ", aber ... ', scheinbar, dass die Wirklichkeit bedeuten kann sich seltsamer als die Fiktion. Er wies darauf hin, dass dies sollte bei der Gestaltung der Agrarpolitik und betonte, wie "extrem wichtig", dass "wir uns frei von allen Arten von Infektionen, die, leider bleiben alle auf häufig in sehr vielen Stellen" gehalten werden.

"Might Be Ändern des Verhaltens der ganze Nationen" 

Da es sich hierbei ein interessantes Thema, vielleicht werde ich bekommen noch eine Minute, um es zu bedecken, weil es extrem wichtig, dass wir, genau, schützen die Bekömmlichkeit der isländischen Produkte, die wir verwenden keine Zusatzstoffe, Steroide und Hormone und wie bei der Herstellung von isländischen Fleisch, 'Sigmundur Davíð plädierte in einem Live-Interview im Radio-Station Bylgjan am Donnerstag. 

Fragen im Interview bedeckt NATO, Zinspolitik und schließlich das Thema bei der Hand: die Landwirtschaft und Fleischeinfuhren. Sigmundur David sagte, die wirtschaftlichen Anreize zu halten läuten ausländische Agrarprodukte. Er sprach von den Chancen der Zukunft, wenn die Lebensmittelpreise werden voraussichtlich steigen. Schließlich bat er, wie oben zitiert, gegen Minute an Luft, ein paar Worte von einer anderen Natur zu sagen.



 "Mann verflixten es allgemein, sagte der Präsident, um Mittagessen zu bestellen ... nicht @ # $% ^ & * LAUNCH"

Great People


Tweet the Word #ToxoToronto

Tweet the Word #ToxoToronto
#Sandesr2016 "He Gets IT"

*DONATE* - Save Our Kids #Toxo Coalition

Your assistance is much appreciated, and "Please Tweet" - #ToxoTO - to register your support. Let's get make our sandlots and playgrounds safe for our children. Thanks.

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