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Wednesday 24 December 2014

#Official Toxoplasmosis Canadian Government Data Sheet Falls Short - Why?

Toxoplasma gondii - Pathogen Safety Data Sheet


NAME: Toxoplasma gondii
SYNONYM OR CROSS REFERENCE: Toxoplasmosis, congenital toxoplasmosis, toxoplasma infection Footnote1Footnote2.
CHARACTERISTICS: Toxoplasma gondii belong to the phylum Apicomplexa and family Sarcocystidae. They are obligate intracellular parasitic protozoa Footnote3Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite of birds and mammals. Felines are the only definitive host and the only animals that pass infective oocysts in their feces. Warm-blooded animals, including humans, are intermediate hosts that harbour tissue cysts in their bodies. Three major infectious stages and major morphological forms occur: oocyst-containing two sporocysts and four sporozoites each, quickly-multiplying tachyzoites, and slow-growing bradyzoites contained in persistent tissue cysts Footnote3. Infection is most often initiated through the ingestion of oocysts containing sporozoites or cysts containing bradyzoites in contaminated food or water. Following ingestion, the sporozoites or bradyzoites invade the intestinal epithelium and differentiate to tachyzoites, which disseminate and replicate within the new host. In feline infections, T.gondii sexual reproduction is enteroepithelial and asexual reproduction is extraintestinal. Intermediate hosts only experience extraintestinal infection Footnote4. Generally, oocysts are spherical and measure 10x12 µm, sporozoites measure 2x6 µm, tachyzoites are crescent-shaped and 2x6 µm, tissue cysts are spheroid and have a diameter of 5 µm - 70 µm, bradyzoites measure 7x1.5 µm Footnote4Footnote5.


PATHOGENICITY/TOXICITY: Toxoplasma gondii infection is usually non-pathogenic in immunocompetent adults. The major pathogenic factor is proliferation of tachyzoites, destroying host cells faster than they can regenerate. In acute infection, mild symptoms can arise, including fever, rash, headache, lymphadenopathy, organomegaly (liver and/or spleen), weight loss, weakness, pneumonia, and myalgia Footnote6. More severe symptoms are rare and mostly affect immunocompromised patients, although they can also develop in immunocompetent individuals. These include retinochoroiditis, and severe encephalitis Footnote6. Congenital infection can result in abortion or stillbirth, and live births may demonstrate the congenital toxoplasmosis syndrome - mental retardation, malformation, retinochoroiditis, strabismus, nystagmus, microphthalmia, and cataracts Footnote6Footnote7. Severity of transplacental infection is inversely proportional to gestational age, but the rate of vertical transmission is more frequent as the pregnancy progresses Footnote7. Persisting tissue cysts in a victim’s brain may cause psychosis Footnote8. Ocular toxoplasmosis is responsible for 30% – 60% of retinochoroiditis cases Footnote6.

Awful Human Tragedy 

Read More and/or Listen To Talk Show Below -

Important Editor's Note

Canadians should be terribly concerned as their government research (above) in this area falls way short of the scientific studies, reports, policies and conclusions by international authorities. Consider the Official US - Centre Disease Control - concludes that  toxoplasmosis is the second leading cause of foodborne deaths, and we can only isolate and report ONE???

That makes no sense whatsoever as the comparative gap between US and Canadian findings is just too large. Someone must be wrong, and given the other international research, the weight of evidence clearly favours the American conclusions. Begging the next question: Why are we so far behind in this area?

Australian Federal Government Meanwhile Spending $1 Billion To Eradicate Feral Cats 

As feral cats are the primary source of the parasite - toxoplasma gondii that creates the the "toxoplasmosis disease" in warm blooded animals, Australia has put this issue on the front burner with near drastic measures to clean up this health and economic problem in their country. Again this suggests that the Canadian research and reports leave much to be desired in light of growing international awareness and stiff actions.

Moreover, the hype and crazy concerns are now being raised in more "unreliable secondary media sources" , that are unfettered and uncensored zanny Americans (Listen to the Radio Cast below) by vested or special interests. Normally we would take such overly dramatic discussions in earnest, but unfortunately there is a growing body of scientific evidence that suggests that even in its latent form this parasite is actually eating away at our neurological connectors and structure. 

Whatever it is up to - it simply can't be good for the hosts, and in fact could be the doomsday bug many have predicted in the past. A very scary nightmare coming true... 

What Some Pundits Now Call 
"The Zombie Virus" 

Listen Here To find Out Why


Funny? Crazy? True?Zany?

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